I couldn’t be more delighted to finally announce my latest thriller, The Drowning Girls, is coming out August 17th, 2023, published by Michael Joseph Books.
I’m so proud of it, and I think the cover is simply beautiful – dark and dreamlike, similar to the underwater atmosphere in the novel itself.
Review copies of The Drowning Girls can be downloaded from NetGalley starting today!
I’ll be talking more about the murky, circuitous route researching this book took in future blog posts, but in the meantime, I hope you enjoy it!
When Cass Brownrigg returns from Australia to her small Cornish coastal village to help out in the beleaguered family dive shop, she is shocked not only at the state of the business but also at the stark decline in Sid, her formerly fun-loving older sister.
Quickly Cass decides that Sid’s new boyfriend, Adam, is the source of her sister’s downward spiral, but there are other malicious forces at work in Anvil Point – such as who has abducted Livvy Simpson, a young tourist who’s been missing for weeks.
And when Cass leads a dive class deep into the bowels of a decaying shipwreck and discovers the floating body of a dead woman, it soon becomes apparent to her that perhaps all of these troubles have the same origin.
An origin that is very close to home…